Просмотр полной версии : Не убил - улетел.
Подскажите пожалуйста, как прописать, чтобы бот, если не убил с одного заклинания, сразу винговался?
проще сделать чтобы бот винговался если моб пытается дать ему по башке.
# This file allows specific AI control for certain monsters
# Syntax:
# <monster> <attack> <teleport> <search> <skillcancel> <lv> <joblv> <hp> <sp> <weight>
# <monster>: Name of monster as found in monsters.txt (not case sensitive)
# <attack>:
# -1 means to leave the monster alone, even if it attacks you.
# 0 means to leave the monster alone, unless it attacks you.
# 1 means to always auto-attack this monster.
# 2 means always aggressive, auto-attack this monster when it appears, even if sitting.
# 3 means to attack the monster once (provoke) then leave it, useful for mobbing.
# <teleport>:
# 1 to teleport if the monster is on the screen.
# 2 to teleport if the monster attacks you.
# 3 to disconnect if the monster is on your screen.
# This is only used in auto-attack e.
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