Просмотр полной версии : ОБщение с npc.

30.01.2008, 19:59
Хелп, ребят, вот как делать к примеру это:
macro Noob {
lock Noob
do talknpc 53 114 c c r0 c c c c
do talknpc 53 114 c c
do move 148 112
do move 99 20
do talknpc 100 29 c r0 c c
do move 101 95
do talknpc 99 105 c c r0 c c c c c c c c
do talknpc 99 105 c r0
pause 2
do talknpc 83 111 c r0 c c c c c c c c c c c r0
do talknpc 83 111 c r0
pause 2
do talknpc 118 108 c c c r1 c r0 c c r1 c c c c c n
do talknpc 115 111 c r0 c c c c c c c c c c r0 c
do talknpc 115 111 c r0 c r0
pause 2
do talknpc 17 182 c c c r0 c c c c c c c c c n
do talknpc 38 182 c c c c r0 c
do eq 1
do eq 2
do eq 3
do eq 4
do eq 5
do eq 6

Откуда берутся эти "С" и как их самому делать при написании макроса. Зарание спасибо

30.01.2008, 20:25
с - это идентично нажатию кнопочки далее (в клиенте)
r0 - это выбор первого варианта при ответе

NPC Conversation Codes
These codes are used for specifying NPC talk sequences or steps when using the console command talknpc or the config.txt option storageAuto_npc_steps.

The following is a list of known NPC talk codes.

c Continue talking to the NPC. This is the same as pressing the next when you talk to an NPC in the RO Client.
r(<response #>) Send response. The response number is the index of the response in the displayed response list (the first response has the index 0). This is the same as selecting a response when you talk to an NPC in the RO Client.
w(<seconds>) Wait for the specified number of seconds before continuing to talk to the NPC using the next talk code.
d(<number>) Send a number to the NPC. Use this if the NPC asks you to enter an amount.
t=(<string>) Send a string or text to the NPC. Use this if the NPC asks you to enter some text.
s Get sell list. This is the same as pressing the sell button when you talk to a buy/sell NPC in the RO Client.
b Get the store list. This is the same as pressing the buy button when you talk to a buy/sell NPC in the RO Client.
b(<store item #>),(<amount>) Buy an item from the NPC. See similar console command buy. Note that the amount is not optional.
n Immediately end or cancel conversation with the NPC. This is the same as pressing the close or cancel button when talking to an NPC in the RO Client.
e Wait until the NPC says "Done talking". Use this after the s or b talk code when talking to a buy/sell NPC.

When specifying NPC talk codes, separate each code with whitespace. For example, by using the following command,

talknpc 63 60 c r3 c r0 c c r0 c n
you will be able to refine a weapon with the Blacksmith NPC inside Prontera, assuming you are inside the BlackSmith shop in Prontera and the NPC stands on the coordinates (63, 60).

30.01.2008, 20:28
Спасибо, мужик;)